Wednesday, April 09, 2008

the dilema

I get asked to do a lot of sketching on flickr... and don't do it most of the time ... all too often their subject are clearly stolen images... taken from others on flickr or web sites .... its actually very hard for me to figure out what is and what isn't but a grey bot buddy icon and different models, glamor style lighting and certain poses are usually enough ... also i'm well behind the eight-ball when it comes to recognizing "adult movie" starlettes ... but the widespread practice of posting stolen photos is really ruining flickr and I'm not going to play

txssizetits sketch, originally uploaded by sigh clone.

Having said all that this wasn't a request anyway. I had seen a few of Txssizetits's post (she's apparently very web famous as samantha, and that probably isn't her real name either) on my boob oriented group for grown ups, the funbag fascination. I did suspected they may not be her own images but they were consistent and her smile was very infectious ... anyway she (ok its mainly about her cleavage) made a wonderful subject for a charcoal sketch.

... so I apologise txs size ... sorry i thought you where a bot or a fakr

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

It is okay. With so many fakers on the web in general, I can understand how you feel. People pretend to be me all the time. For what reason, have yet to figure out.

You did an awesome job and truly are talented.
