Wednesday, September 01, 2004

bots, bootings and bohemians

I must admit that yahoo! is really getting to me know... it get booted (disconnected from Yahoo meaanger) at the slightest thing... I can't work out why... all I know is, it is now pretty pointless using it... seems I'm not the only one wishing i had not upgraded to version 6... (warning folks version 6.0 is a downgrade, wait for version 6.1)

the problems that frustrate me aren't just the booting... for all I know they may be self inflicted... its now so difficult to get into my favourite chat rooms... such as big bellied ladies & their admirers or freak fat chicks... they seem to always report room full, even though there mughtonly be 30 people showing as in the room when you use the join room menu... perhaps its the bots that are taking up all the space... they certainly test my patience when I'm sketching with there pop up windows, lengthy links and limited vocabulary and ... " nakid now", "i'm hot"... etc ...etc there are so many of them the ignore button is as pointless are the "block email address they are a spammer feature" in hotmail... i'm half convinced that it is the bots and pop up IMers that cause my webcam to freeze and crash... if and when I finally get into a chat and actually begining a sketch

am I to old, & getting crabby or is there a magic fix out there?

well I've been busy in the real world visiting some new arty friends and genrally hanging out with the more bohemian end of melbourne... and its good... went and saw a series of norman lindsay etching that are about to go on sale... they are small but totally amazing... the same delicacy of tone he achieves in his water colours... they are jumps black and white but they positively glow... i can see i have a lot to learn

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